Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We ARE on our way...

So, the agency decided, with or with out the TA (Travel Approval) we need to go on Jan. 26th.  The TA and CA with eventually catch up with us.

I solved the problem of transportation to/from the airport.  I found a company that will take us to the airport in a SUV, and home, they will pick us up in a mini van!  The price was more reasonable than I expected.

Donations have been coming in by people I know and don't know.  This is such an experience for me. It never ceases to amaze me that people really care. How cool is that.  Here I go along in my world, having lived in Wales, London, CT, LA, Seattle and NYC over the years, volunteering usually to work with kids in some way or produce fund raisers, always wanting to help someone, or challenge someone if they aren't being appropriate with a child, or the elderly.  I mean, I truly enjoy problem solving and helping people.  I was raised to always stand up for the 'under dog' and boy howdy I can be scary at times if I'm righting a 'wrong'.

I really should be carful, but my tenacious streak bursts forward and there's no stopping me.  Like following a man out of the P.O. to his pick-up truck, banging on his window, demanding he roll it down to talk to me and then lambasting him with, "Did your Father hit YOU as a child, how did YOU like it, feel good?  Well, don't haul off and back hand your 2 year old.  He is a little person, just learning, he's only been alive for 2 years.  Did YOU know everything at 2 years old?  Listen to him to understand him, have patience to get to know him, he's not just a thing to annoy you. Hitting only teaches violence.  Did it teach YOU anything except to pick on a child smaller than you?"  Good thing he didn't have gun in that pick-up truck...

That's just me, I have no tolerance when I see a child being emotionally or physically abused.  As well as any human being, or animal.

My point is, after that long diatribe, is that I almost never think about me, so I am astonished when people say complimentary things to me. I find it hard to believe that those good words are about me.  So what I have learned from trying to raise money, is to be a bit more accepting of myself, and not to dismiss the compliments in my head by saying, "Oh if they really new who I was and what a failure I am, they wouldn't say that."  I now take a little more time to listen to the words and try to accept them.

This has been a journey for me to become a better person to help with all my daughter's journeys.

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