Saturday, January 2, 2010

A bit of a wasteland out there

Not much new to report.  We have been busy around the house moving out of a room to moving into another and visa versa.  But I was wondering a bit, hence the title for tonight's entry, I so do appreciate people's interest in our progress and antics but with many tuning in to read, why has the donation rate been so low?

One day I logged over 83 people downloading my blog.  The result was 2 donations.  Now I'm not saying that all should feel the need to give something, but a chunk of that number were alumni from my high school.  So that makes me sad that only two individuals felt compelled to help two children who are in need of a family and a home. Sigh, I suppose I had higher expectations from the people I grew up with...

1 comment:

  1. so what if you traveled with less people---say just one (or even both parents). That would cut travel costs about $9000 according to your estimated calculations. I know the ideal is to involve the family, but when things are tight, the most important part is simply to get the girls and get home.....
