Sunday, May 2, 2010

Since money is tight we tend to wait until there is absolutely nothing left in the house before we go shopping.  Well since there was nothing left, literally, I took the twins shopping to two stores to buy much needed supplies and food. We left at 11:15 and got home at 3:00.  That in it's self should tell you what the day was like bargain hunting.  Now it has become that much more difficult because our whole water system needed to be replaced to the total of $2,450.  I'm not sure where else to cut back, but necessity demands I find a few places to do so.

I'm hoping to apply for a job teaching summer school, but I'm not sure if the application deadline has happened.  I will submit it anyway.

The things we take for granted.  I thought that I would check on my deaf daughter and go over with her how she was washing her hair...good thing I did, she was using conditioner first and shampoo second, AND using a wash cloth to wash her hair with!  Now where in the heck did she get the idea to do that?  I also caught her about to cut her bangs because they annoyed her.  I asked her if she wants to grow them or cut them a bit.  She didn't realize that she had a choice.  She was thrilled when I said she could grow them out.
Can't wait to discover what else she has translated into her way of doing things.

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