Thursday, March 11, 2010

I woke up before my alarm went off at 6:00 am.  I heard a noise and I knew, just knew... I come down stairs and yup, just as I thought.  It wasn't one bunny that escaped, it was all FOUR!  As they are hopping around in different directions, my bunny is going crazy in her cage because they keep coming up to her.

Of course all four of them have pooped everywhere marking new territory. So here I am in my p.j. s tiptoeing around the poop trying to catch these bunnies as they hop around saying "Freedom". "Whoopee", "YEAH!"   Or at least that's what their body language was saying.   I gave up on the tip toeing and just went after them. I grimaced every time a poop smashed under my bare foot or got caught between my toes.  This is NOT what I wanted to do before my coffee.

I finally got all the babies into their cage, and cleaned up all the poop. Then I started to boil the water for my coffee.  What a way to start the day.

I had just enough time to get the twins off to school before I went to THE meeting with the Assistant Superintendent of School and the Director of Special Ed.  And wouldn't you know it, the secretary had told me the meeting was at the Middle school. So I sit there and wait, finally I ask the front office where were they?  She placed a few calls and found out they were at the Elementary School waiting for me. I hopped back into my car and flew off to the Elementary  School, which was 12 minutes away.  I walked into the office somewhat out of breath and certainly not the cool calm appearance I had planned on.

The meeting was interesting.  I was on my guard the whole time. I decided some of the things that I did not agree with, I would wait and fight the bigger battles first. His ideas that my deaf daughter should be mainstreamed  if she could talk because she would have a better success in life by being in that environment instead of being around deaf kids all the time...  I know what you are thinking.  Then he went on to say if she can only do sign language then she should be at the deaf school, because she is past the age of 7 (when the brain builds connections) and hasn't had much if any audio stimulation.   I'm thinking, I really hate when they put all students in the same box because it fits their text book learning.  I decided not to say anything, I just nodded my head.  Because I knew her evaluation would get her into deaf school and I would be fighting a useless battle.  She does have expressive words in Chinese that are correct and I'm not sure how she got that.  But you better believe that I won't be getting her the hearing aids before the evaluation is completed.

Three years ago when I dealt with him, if he had 30 days to do something, he would wait until the 30th day.  But he surprised me this time.  He said that we need a PPT with everyone in attendance, I agreed, knowing that he had 30 days to call one and my daughter needed to be in school now!  Well darn if he didn't tell his secretary to call a PPT for this Monday.  Well, I was in shock. Not everyone could meet Monday so it will be Tuesday.  He also said he would be meeting with the high school Special Ed person. I asked why when you have the three letters from experts saying that she is 11.5 years old? I said the court date is in a week or so don't you think it would be a waste of time to do that?  He said she is still legally 14 which puts her in high school.  Another smaller battle not to touch. Yet while he's wasting his time, he is wasting mine. Tuesday will decide where she will be evaluated...

After the evaluation I want them to pay for her to be bussed to the school, and pay the school's tuition.
That will satisfy me.


  1. Ok so your bunny story is cracking me up.......I know, not so funny to you but hilarious to read about! We're back home now...hope the girls can talk this weekend! Ellie came home to the package so she was very excited!!

  2. You are such a great mom - advocating for your kids!
