Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stand by..

Yes, I finally have a meeting with the powers that be for schooling for my two daughters. Tomorrow morning is the first of what will be many meetings.  At least it has started.  But as you might have guessed by now, it didn't happen on it's own.  I called today and made a strong emotional plea, which got me the meeting for tomorrow.

I'm afraid the emotional plea was based on a real incident today. My deaf daughter came down this morning and said that she was hungry and I opened the fridge and pointed to the dwindling supply of yogurts. Meanwhile I'm on the phone trying to organize a variety of situations.  She eats and goes upstairs.  I finally get off the phone.  We plan to have our two new daughters garden with us this summer, and since it will be pretty hard work they will need gloves. Ironically my hand is smaller than my 13 year old and the same size as my 11.5 year old so I knew what size I could order.  I found great gloves for only $4.50 and in a variety of colors. I went upstairs to ask my daughter who is deaf, what color she wanted, and found her crying on her bed under her covers.

I asked what was wrong, and she shook her head.  I asked her a few more questions but she wouldn't answer.  I called in my dh and he tried also, even giving her a big cuddle, still nothing.  In comes my other daughter and she tries...  I ask does she miss her friends, China, is she scared, etc.   She shakes her head as tears poor down her face.   She is looking so very sad. I get a piece of paper and pencil and have her write in Chinese. My other daughter tries to translate.  It takes several tries before she can give me a  coherent translation.  It was because there wasn't anyone to play cards with.  I asked her why she didn't ask her sister and she said she was reading a book.  And she looked at me and signed very strongly, "Why didn't we have lunch yesterday!?"  

And then I understood.  She was lonely, feeling isolated and forgotten.  I had my daughter write in Chinese telling her that, even if someone looks busy, she should always come up and ask.  Even if I am doing many things, she can stop me and ask.  At any time she may reach out to any of us.  And I explained about lunch, that everyone had a late breakfast so I wasn't sure when anyone would be hungry. I was waiting for someone to say that they were in need of food.  I told her that whenever she was hungry or needed something she is to ask, it is OK to do that.  She smiled and signed that she understood.

So that's when I called for the appointment and made the emotional plea to get her into school and around peers as soon as possible. I mean if you think about it, since she's been with us she hasn't been able to to say more than two sentences a t time because of the communication barrier.  How frustrating and isolating is that?

 I don't expect much from tomorrow's meeting, only to get the ball rolling.

I want to thank the few of you that gave me suggestions about saving money and a few recipes. That was great.  I do enjoy getting feedback with the the people who follow our saga.

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