Monday, March 29, 2010

I am so angry.

The conversation with the Assistant Superintendent of the Schools....

“My daughter, (the new one), has been evaluated at a first grade level in reading and her vocabulary for English.  Her teacher said since there is only 3 months of school left she might be able to get her up to beginner 3rd grade.  I need summer school for her to at least get her up to a 6th grade level in order for her to enter 9th grade in high school in Sept.” 
Assist. Super., “She’s a smart girls she’ll catch on quickly.” 
“That isn’t the point.  There is no way she will be able to get anything from her classes on a 2nd grade level of English.”
“We are not required to provide summer school.”
“It is a proven fact that children lose the retention of information. So  how is she possibly ready for 9th grade?”
“I’ve taught many years ELL kids, and learn very fast.  I see they just soak it up.”
“But you aren’t giving her ELL, you just have a reading teacher working with her who isn’t trained in teaching English as a second language.”
“We are not required to teach her ELL because she is the only student that needs it.  Look how well your other daughter has done.  her English is near perfect.”
“Do not for a minute give credit to your school system for my older daughter’s success. I had a Chinese woman who was certified in teaching ESL, tutor her 2-3 times a week for 4 months.  I worked with her everyday. Then I had you bring in a Chinese interpreter to sit with her in class for several months and I was able to make a case for special needs so you had to have her tutored over the summer.  She did not get where she is today going through the ‘normal’ channels.”
“This daughter does not qualify for special needs. She just has another language to learn. I’ve seen many kids who came in not knowing English and they learned quickly just being with other kids.”
“First of all you can not compare those children with my daughter. They came from families, mine came from an orphanage, they are two totally different situations.”
“All kids are a bit nervous and scared when they first start school not knowing the language.”
“My child is from an orphanage, and she comes with orphanage issues that impair her learning abilities that are different from ‘the kids’ you’re talking about. And there is no way I am putting her in the environment of the high school kids and the drugs and the one upsmanships, and not wearing designer something.  The social behaviors in America are different than China.  She is going to be traumatized .  She is very shy for one.  But the issue of having only 2nd grade English, she won’t be able to make any meaningful relationships and will not understand any teacher in any of her courses.  She can’t even understand her math or history teacher now!”
“Well the high school has a writers lab and two other help classes.”
Unless, it is one on one, it will not help her because those kids in there are already on a 9th grade level or better.”
“Well, I can’t guarantee there would be one on one.”
“If she is not on at least a 6th grade level of English by September, I will not put her in high school.  I will home school her.”
“That won’t be very good, kids learn from other kids. That’s where she will be getting a lot of her English.”
“If she only knows minimal English, she will not even try to reach out, and I am NOT putting her into a high school situation where she would be chewed up and spit out by the kids.  It is not going to happen.  I will home school her.”
“You’re not being very fair to the high school.”
“What? You talk to the Police Dept. they are up there almost every day because of drugs, and so are the EMT’s.  And the bullying isn’t taken seriously. The whole situation is out of hand.”
“You’re not being very fair to the high school.”
“And you in the school system are turning a blind eye to the situation, just to preserve your “standing” the ratings of good schools.”
“You should hire a tutor.”
I can’t afford to. We spent all our money on two adoptions.”
“Well, if I think of something, I’ll let you know.”


I called the State, again, and she said, “The school is not responsible for what happens in the summer. But what I can do is speak with the Director of Special Education and make ‘suggestions’ of materials for the teacher to use with your daughter for the rest of the school year. But you have to tell him to call me. Tell him I have some ideas.”

Yeah right, this guy just loves me.  He won’t call her.

And then there are the twins going into 5th grade and which has no Gifted classes.  This after their 4th grade teachers said they were on a 6th grade level for language arts and math... and were in Gifted Classes.   Yet another door to kick down.

Tomorrow is my deaf daughter’s evaluation

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