Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have run out of time-again to continue on about the meeting with the Chinese delegation. Today ran long into homework, making dinner, and in the middle of that, all three fire departments were called out for a chimney fire.  Off I went.  Finished just in time to drive to the next town for my twins teacher meeting.  I just arrived home and it is 9:45 and I need to finish what I left hanging when I ran out the door.

I will pick it up tomorrow, oh, wait a minute.  I have a curriculum night at my daughter's school for the deaf which is an hour and fifteen minute drive one way.  Hmm, I may not get home until after 10:00 or so.

So maybe the update will need to wait until the next day or I will try to write it during the day tomorrow.  I really will try.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sure, leave me hanging like that!!! Super curious about your meeting!!! I'll keep checking back in!!
